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Eversummer: The Forerunner Archives Book 1 Page 27


  I open my eyes.

  My first thought is that I'm comfortable.

  Really comfortable.

  The mattress beneath me is soft, feathery, the light sheet covering my body smooth and cool against my skin.

  Against my skin?

  I sit bolt upright, the blanket flying off my body at the same time. I look down, and my fear is confirmed: 


  I scream, and I'm answered by another, almost like an echo. This scream is deeper though, masculine.

  I look up.

  The creature that sits in an easy chair at the end of an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room is unlike anything I've ever seen. Its skin is pale, a pure white, matching the shaggy locks of snowy hair hanging in its face. The hair partially masks a pair of eyes that are brown with a reddish gleam to them. The creature wears a loincloth and a brown, rough spun robe, hanging open, revealing an exceedingly emaciated body. My eyes fall to its feet–human-like–but much larger, each one sporting six long, curled digits.

  It has six toes!

  I gasp, recalling the six-toed footprints on the beach in Krakelyn and outside of Ursa's now destroyed lab in Venecici.

  Is this the creature that belongs to them?

  The thing looks at me with its head cocked sideways, reminding me of an eagle eyeing its prey. Panicking, I pull the sheet back up over my body, looking around.

  "Where are my clothes?" I ask, thinking of nothing better to say. Though its appearance is off-putting, this creature strikes me as timid. The creature, formerly smiling (I think), puts an embarrassed look on its face, literally leaping from its chair. 

  "Oh, I'm sorry!" it says in a shockingly normal, human male voice. "Here! Here!" He ducks down then pops up from the side of the bed, holding my tunic top, pants, belt, and sandals, keeping his eyes off of me. "Sorry about that," he says, "but it was necessary."

  Scowling, I rip my clothes from his grasp and pull them under the sheet with me, getting dressed immediately. "Necessary for what?" I ask with a sneer. I reach down to slip my pants on and feel a tender tugging at my side. I look down to see where a massive gash in my torso has been sewn expertly shut by the cleanest stitches I've ever seen. My blood stains the sheets beneath me. I flip the sheet off, still naked on the upper half of my body, spinning the wound toward this strange young man. 

  "Did you do this?" I ask, pointing at the stitches.

  The mutant nods, then shakes his head. "I sewed it shut, if that's what you mean," he answers timidly. "I didn't give you the wound."

  I laugh, despite myself. "Yeah, that's what I meant." I pause, meeting those reddish brown eyes. "Thank you."

  The young man nods sheepishly, still keeping his eyes off my half naked form. "You're welcome."

  I grab my pants and finally slip them on. "Where are we?" I ask, really taking in my surroundings for the first time. This room is clearly a bedroom; there are windows, but the drapes are drawn shut. I step over to the nearest one.

  "Where are the other people I was with?"

  "People?" the mutant asks as I open the drapes. "I'm sorry, but there was only one other person with you when I found you. Well, actually, he led me to you."

  "Who?" I ask, spinning. I've just opened the drapes and catch a glimpse of the outside world. It’s not very interesting. Just a sea of grass, as far as the eye can see.

  "Um, a little boy," the mutant replies. "He said his name is–"

  "Traylor!" I finish, almost screaming.

  "Juno?" a familiar voice squeaks from just outside the room. The door bursts open and there stands my little brother, a grin splitting his face from ear to ear. "Juno!" he says, running to me, practically knocking me down with a hug. The stitches pull at my side. 

  "Ow! Take it easy, buddy!" I say. "I'm happy to see you too." I smile at him. "You saved me."

  Traylor shakes his head. "Nah, that was nothing. It was Tien here who did the real lifesaving. You shoulda seen the way he stitched you up, Juno!"

  Tien is standing timidly on the other side of the room, blushing and not meeting our eyes. He says, "I couldn't let one of the last two humans bleed out now, could I?"

  I gasp, reaching up to my face, realizing that my disguise is washed clean off. Same with Traylor. My brother sees my panic. "Don't worry, Juno," he soothes, "Tien is good people. They all are here."

  "Here?" I echo. "Yeah, just where is here?"

  Tien finally meets my gaze. "About a hundred wheels from the Fringes," he replies. "My brothers and I have lived here almost our whole lives."

  "You're from Everwinter, aren't you?" I ask, recalling descriptions of Everwinter mutants from stories that gave me the creeps as a child.

  Tien nods reluctantly. "I was. We all were. But we were taken when we were young, brought to this place. As a result, we haven't developed all of the traits of a typical Everwinter mutant."

  I shake my head, not really understanding any of it. "Yeah, you still haven't told me what this place is," I intercede, getting annoyed. I look out the window again and still see nothing but the plains. There is literally nothing out here.

  Tien hesitates, so Traylor speaks up for him. "It's a school, Juno!" he says. "For mutants!" 

  My jaw drops, completely incredulous. "Say that again.”

  Tien remains sheepish.

  "Some scientists from Eversummer built this place," Traylor speaks again. He's had quite a history lesson during my recovery, apparently. "Then they took some mutant kids from Everwinter," he gestures to Tien, "and brought them here to educate them like would in Eversummer! They wanted to see if they were just as smart as we are! That's right, isn't it, Tien?" Traylor stares at his new friend.

  Tien shrugs. "Um, basically, yeah," he replies. It sounds a little farfetched to me, but I don't press it.

  "Traylor," I say. "Where are Ursa and Altair?"

  Traylor seems to shrink, his good cheer drained away. "I don't know," he says. "Tien and a few of the others went out to search for them near the Engie tracks but... Nothing. So far."

  I nod, expecting the answer. "We have to find them," I say. "And as soon as possible." I head for the door but stop, staring at Tien.

  "Well?" I say. "Aren't you gonna show me around?" Tien brightens immediately, seeming to grow a foot taller.

  "Oh, of course," he says. "Sorry, Juno. Right this way."

  Traylor rolls his eyes at me and makes a kissing face with his lips. I move to slap him, but it's a half-hearted gesture.

  We follow Tien into the house.